Engaged to expand and enhance business, team building, project team management, developing efficient and harmonized personnel approaches with high authenticity and self-esteem. Connected to staff members to increase proficiency in leadership, expanding their positions from team members or individual contributors, to become/progress as Directors, Vice-Presidents, and Presidents / CEOs of corporations.
Selected Examples: 1959 to Present
BE Aerospace, New York / Advisor, Consultant to Director & Project Mgmt
2020 - 2021 Performance enhancements for systems installed in commercial wide-body aircraft.
IntraVu, Inc / Advisor, Consultant to CEO and design teams
2017 - 2019
Medical imaging devices
Xinetix Development/Design / Advisor, Consultant to CEO and design engineers
2012 - 2018
Multple medical devices in separate projects
BE Aerospace, Anaheim, CA / Advisor, Consultant to Engineering Director & Project Management
2007 - 2014
Mentor for project teams: systems integration/performance stability for wide-body commercial aircraft installations.
The Boeing Company / Advisor, Consultant to Project Chief Engineer & Project Management 2008 - 2011 Provided strategic services as a trusted advisor and mentor by coaching Management, project teams and individuals toward developing solutions of issues critical to intergration and performance for projects of the United States Air Force.
STI Medical Systems / Advisor, Consultant to Director of Development, Vice-President
2006 - 2010 Final betasite (pre-production) development of "UltraSight HD" - A Hyper-spectral diagnostic imaging colopscopy system for dectection of cervical cancer.
Thales Avionics / Advisor, Consultant, Mentor to Director of Engineering and Project Teams 2005 - 2011 Development and integration of in-flight entertainment systems for commercial aircraft.
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems / Advisor and Mentor to Research Director of Development 2003 - 2008 Systems integration and development of Intra-Operative Cardiovascular Monitoring Systems.
2004 - 2004
Presented course, "High Speed Design: Signal and Functional Partitioning, Integration, and Common-mode Architecture" as an invited member of Oxford's "High Speed Digitial Design" Programme.
Leap Frog Technology / Consultant to Development Director 2002- 2003 Development, refinement and launch of educational "toy" devices for children.
1984 - 2002
AT&T, Bell Laboratories / AT&T Information Systems & Lucent, Bell Laboratories, New Jersey. ● Responsible for the design reviews and delineated innovative implementations for AT&T (or Lucent) Bell Laboratories in greater than 100 systems technical development projects. Advisor and Consultant in Joint Business Collaborations in joint ventures. ● Recognized / utilized by AT&T (or Lucent) Bell Laboratories as a technical authority, solution director, and instructor. ● Mediated, arbitrated technical issues, and directed “special task teams” for solutions in contracts and designs between: AT&T Information Systems and Olivetti Corporation in the formation and execution of the AT&T product line of personal computers; AT&T Information Systems and Convergent Technologies in the design and execution of Personal UNIX-System V (3B1) Computers and Workstations; AT&T Bell Laboratories and Hitachi (Yokohama, Japan) in the RF performance of display monitors; and, AT&T Safari Systems and Matshushita Corporation, Osaka Japan, in technology-sharing and development of notebook computers. ● Utilized by Matshushita as a technical authority and instructor to research and development technical staff. ● Initiated the formation of a joint inter-corporate agreement between AT&T Bell Laboratories and Burroughs Corporation for mutual-benefit (joint) technology-sharing.
Acer Corporation: Taipei, Taiwan, ROC / Advisor to Vice-President; Consultant to Director, Development 1989 - 1999 Development, reviews and product launch studies and processes for computers and networks.
United States FDA Bureau of Radiological Health / Analyst and Advisor
1972 - 1999
Analyst and corporate liaison to FDA for medical device / instrumentation applications (1974-1999) ● Developed, guided, and submitted EMC-ESD evaluation protocols to the staff of the FDA. ● Responsible for representing medical device manufacturers in presentations to the FDA administration. ● Directed resolutions of performance and protocol requirements from FDA into design and manufacture of devices. ● Project Director - (1970-1972) of the FIRST Laboratory Studies nationally published that defined the operational responses of CARDIAC Pacemakers to extraneous electromagnetic fields. ● Presented the pacemaker results to the convention of the American Heart Association and the Association For The Advancement of Medical Instrumentation as invited by the FDA, that influenced the standards and immunity of pacemakers to electromagnetic fields to set the common-practice to this day.
1988 - 1995
Citicorp (New York and California) and Philips Corporation, Vienna, Austria (1988 - 1995) ● Directed and defined design implementation and technical solutions in design and manufacturing contracts between Citicorp TTI and Philips Corporation in the formation and execution of Home Banking System terminal products. ● Responsible for the detailed integration design implementations and philosophy of Home Banking Terminals. ● Responsible for the detailed implementations of products for Philips, Vienna Operations
Kubota Corporation: Super-Computer Study Division; Hokkaido Prefecture; Japan / Advisor to Vice-President
1990 - 1994
Advisor for product development and launch of "new venture" super-computer project.
1984 - 1993
Researcher and contributor to IEEE 802.3 High Speed Study Group, 100BaseT Network (1993) ● Researched, developed, and presented EMC performance concepts and profiles for the 100BaseT Network for the “Fast Ethernet Consortium” development group set to define the international standard.
Matsushita Corporation: R & D Division; Osaka, Japan / Advisor to Vice-President
1990 - 1992
Advisor, contributor & consultant to devise development processes for new systems and networks.
1987 - 1992
Contributing member of the FibreChannel development consortium.
Ohmeda Medical Corporation / Advisor to Divisional President 1991 - 1992 Analyzed medical product performance, directed modifications, guided process and protocols, presented findings and results to the FDA: fully adopted.
1985 - 1991
Olivetti Corporation, Ivrea, Italy (1985 - 1991) ● Mediated, arbitrated & managed technical issues, directed solutions, in contracts between and Olivetti Corporation and AT&T Information Systems in the formation and execution of the AT&T product line of personal computers. ● Contributed to the conceptual design formation and directed detailed implementations to the Olivetti product line of personal computers and peripherals.
1989 - 1989
● Common-mode rejection evaluation and analysis of argon-based beta-photon detector grid array.
Xerox Corporation / Advisor to Division Vice-President
1978 - 1989
Xerox Corporation – Western Division, El Segundo, California (1978 – 1989) ● Appointed to over-view and review all divisional product designs, and verify design implementations (Reported to Divisional General Manager, Vice-President.) ● Participated as a member of the Vendor Selection Group, established to determine the acceptability of potential suppliers of out-sourced products for Xerox. ● Provided seminars on EMC design for corporate operations in New York and California.
1980 - 1988
Burroughs Computer Corporation, Advisor and Adjunct to Executive Staff- World Hqtrs., Detroit Michigan (1980 – 1988) ● Adjunct extension member of Corporate Executive Staff to review and audit plant operations and product technical performance throughout corporate international operations. (Reported to Executive Vice President.) ● Evaluated plant performance for plant retention, expansion, or shut-down corporate decisions. ● Adjunct advisor to Corporate Executive Staff to review system integration policies among inter-corporate divisions. ● Advisory Member of “phase-review” executive group to ascertain veracity of product and plant performance. ● Mediated, arbitrated technical issues and directed designs in contracts and designs between Burroughs and Convergent Technologies in the development and execution of distributed workstations. ● Initiated the formation of a joint inter-corporate agreement between Burroughs Corporation and AT&T Bell Laboratories for mutual (joint) technology-sharing policies. ● Developed and executed Corporate (Video-tape) lecture series on systems EMC design and integration. ● Responsible for the EMC design reviews and delineated implementations of over approximately fifty systems- products for Burroughs.
1972 - 1988
Hewlett-Packard Company Systems Integration and EMC Design Advisor. (1972 – 1988) ● Appointed to participate in internal steering group to integrate architectures of products and systems among the six facilities engaged in computer and peripheral design and manufacturing (Reported to Divisional General Mangers, Engineering Managers and Corporate Vice-President). ● Responsible for reviews and recommendations of EMC and integration of greater than 50 systems-products developed within the (then) six computer-related divisions.
1979 - 1987
Convergent Technologies Corporation (1979 – 1987) ● Contracted by corporate founders as the design and integration advisor in the formation of the corporate philosophy. ● Responsible for project design and integration strategies of all corporate products from founding through 1983, advisor through 1987. ● Appointed to replace project management for the development of the Next-Gen workstation product line as director of a special task group. ● Mediated, arbitrated, & directed technical approaches in contracts and designs between Convergent and Burroughs Corporation, as well as between Convergent and AT&T Information Systems.
1972 - 1987
Researcher in the field of electrostatic field displacements (1970-1987): published between (1979 – 1987) ● Research initiated and published changed the state-of-the-art in the subject field and is credited with five separate “first-observed” physics discoveries, that form the basis of all international ESD standards and technical practices to the present time. ● Researcher and developer of “standard” test methodology and criteria for systems EMC susceptibility performance. ● Test methodology and criteria developed was released to several major systems manufacturers. ● These approaches self-propagated across the spectrum of electronics systems manufacturers. ●Developer of “standard” test and criteria methodology for systems evaluations to ESD simulations (1972-1982). ● Test methodology and criteria developed was released to several major systems manufacturers. ● Methodology was adapted and utilized as “standard corporate practice” by over 700 corporations within 5 years. ● Current international standards in ESD methodologies are traceable to this origination.
1985 - 1985
Electrostatic Boundary Field Displacements, and Wave Form Characteristics of ESD.
1982 - 1982
Lecturer of Privately-sponsored course offered by Pye Unicam: Electrostatic Boundary Field Displacements, and Wave Form Characteristics of ESD.
1972 - 1980
Executive Management –Board of Trustees, Exceptional Children’s Foundation (1972 – 1980) (A multi-million dollar, multi-facility corporation, then-serving over 1,900 developmentally-disabled individuals, with a staff level of approximately 150 professionals.) ● President (Chairman) of the Board of Trustees (1978-1980) ● Elected First Vice-President, and member of the executive committee (1974 - 1978) ● Elected Second Vice-President (1973) ● Nominated/Elected to the Board (1972)
1969 - 1974
Member of various DOD Advisory Committees (1969-1974) ● Contributed advisory services to DOD for development of systems integration policies & standards.
1968 - 1974
Manager of EMI/EMC Operations, Systems Engineering Department (1968 – 1974) ● Tripled contract activity and capture for department within first year of assuming management position. ● Responsible for all systems department contracts, negotiations, operations, and staff management. ● Supervised staff involvement for test, evaluation and measurement in over 400 government programs. ● Initiated early research studies that eventually advanced the state-of-the-art for electrostatic field displacements, commonly known as ESD. (1972 - 1974) ● Devised and executed test methodologies to evaluate the susceptibility response of cardiac pacemakers to disturbances of electromagnetic fields, under sanction of the FDA/BRH. (1972-1974) ● Devised and executed test methodologies and developed criteria to approximate the EMI environment in commercial applications and evaluate the performance of electronic systems to these criteria. (1969 -1974) ● Researched, devised and executed RF filtration methods to yield high transmission loss values (>70dB) with low reactive current losses to earth ground while compliant with the West German regulatory requirements. Deployed these methods into production for systems by Hewlett-Packard and Burroughs Computer Corporations. ● Evaluation of integration of mission-length monitoring instrumentation, NAVSEC/Trident program. Contract (1972) ● Analysis and RF environmental evaluation of mission success, in “special task group” C-SAM ECM system, USAF B-52 upgrade project. Contract position. (1972) ● Responsible for the design and implementation of N-EMP counter-measures for the EOS beta-photon exo-atmospheric event detector array. Contract position. (1970 – 1971). ● Design and Integration Advisor, “Bulldog” laser-guided bomb project. Contract position. (1970) ● Systems Integration Advisor to Staff, NAVWEPS/NWC telemetry projects. Contract position. (1969-1972). ● Technical Program Monitor and advisor to NAVSEC/SYSCOM, U.S. Navy Dept. SHORTSTOP project antenna array. Monitor performance of prime contractor, review designs. Contract position, (1969-1970) ● Responsible for operational compatibility, “special task” staff advisor, of LASER direction, acquisition, and weapons EOS/ECM projects. Contract position. (1969-1972) ● Responsible for “special task” evaluation and EMC integration of LASER-based NVAP for experimental surveillance aircraft, YO-3. Contract position. (1968-1969) ● Responsible for “special task” development of automated event monitoring system, and analysis resulting in the re-definition of orthogonal dipole array, USAF MOL Program, and coordinated the system redefinition noted above with the USAF, The Aerospace Corporation, and Martin-Marietta Corporation for system integration. Contract position. (1968-1969)
1967 - 1968
Chief Electronics Engineer, Systems Engineering Department (1967- 1968) ● Manager-director of Electronics Engineering Development Department. ● Responsible for electronic design, concepts and verification, of various avionics sub-systems. ● Responsible for signal quality/performance of FLAWS sub-system, AH-56A Helicopter Avionics. ● Advisor to Teledyne Systems Corporation on integration of IHAS Helicopter systems.
1967 - 1967
● Manager of Electronics Engineering Development Laboratory activities. ● Responsible for electronic design, concepts and verification, of various avionics sub-systems. ● Responsible for EMC design of various avionics sub-systems.
1962 - 1967
Adjunct to Clandestine Services Special Operations Project Manager – (U.S.) Department of State – Foreign Service –Employment Transferred to Contract Position. (1964 - 1967) ●Psychological Training (PsyOps) - intense program to prepare for high-stress situations in foreign theater Ops to maintain objectivity and accomplish linear thought and decisions for mission success. ● Manager of Project Teams for evaluation of ELINT and Counter-ops threats at installations of the Foreign Service, with oversight by NSA. ●Special Projects Manager, Systems Engineering Department – Contract Positions. (1964) ● Organized and managed “special project team” of 50 individuals for ITT Gilfillan, U.S. Navy Department SPS-48 Radar System - engaged at the specific request of The Assistant to the President of the corporation under urgent operational conditions. ● Evaluated ELINT performance of “special operations command centers”. Contract - Fort Belvoir, Virginia. ●Director, Systems Engineering Department (1963 - 1964) ● Managed, and responsible for, all operations and contract negotiations of Systems Engineering Department, Western Division. ● Participated in project team for RF environmental studies of NASA’s Reactor-in-Flight test (RIFT) program. ● Participated in EOS Project Team for NASA/JPL Deep Space Ion Engine, spacecraft integration. Systems Engineer- Laboratory Manager: Systems Engineering Department (Western Division) (1962 – 1963) ● Managed measurement laboratories with staff of six engineers, technicians of Systems Engineering Department. ● Responsible for design of EMC suppression circuits and related verifications of multiple flight avionics systems. ● Devised with design responsibility for DOD investigations of various shielding approaches and concepts. ● Participated in development and writing of Technical Books under contract to Military Groups for: Electromagnetic Interference Reduction
1959 - 1962
Audio Engineer – Systems Designer (HAECO: 1961-1963) ● Designed, developed & prototyped, Analogue Disc Mastering Channel. ● Designed, developed & prototyped, Automatic-Servo based Disc Mastering Lathe system. ● Designed and prototyped audio mixing consoles. ● Collaborated on the development of RCA “Dyna-groove” Stereo Disc Cutting System.
Recording Engineer / Record Producer (Spiller & Valon: 1959 – 1961) ● Primary recording engineer, mixer, editor, and producer for commercial record-albums. ● Setup marketing distribution for record products, contracted and engaged artists to develop jacket covers
1961 - 1961
Researched and resolved signal-to-noise architecture issues in (symphonic) Studio A, Hollywood, California
Bank Credit Analyst Research
Studies: Macro-economics, International Currency Flows, Socio-Economics and Politics 1972 – 1999.
Clients of BCA Research learn the subject matter by studies of reseach reports learning patterns and causations through this pre-eminent organization.
The (Walt) Disney Institute
Leadership In Creativity Through Composition in the Photographic Arts 1997 – 1997.
Studies: Focus attention to detail, direction to observe and visualize the possibilities: see life through the viewfinder; approach strangers to be authentic in themselves and capture their image; excercises in motivating authenticity.
Ph.D., Psychology, Dissertation: The Psychodynamic Consequences Yielded From Imprinted "Belief Systems." Studies: Psychodynamic Gestalt & Neo-Reichian, Existential / Experiential Body-BioEnergetic Response-Based Solutions & Advancement, Noetic Studies. Advisors/mentors: Dr. M. Dwyer (Psychodynamics); Dr. Morris Samuel (Gestalt); Fuller School of Psychology, 1975 - 1982
Ph.D., Experimental Program: Electromagnetic Fields; Dissertation: Spectral Profiles of Spatial Field Boundary Displacements in Energetic Inter-Planer Systems. Advisor/mentor: Professor J.D. Robb; University of Minnesota. Studies: Boundary collapse of fields, high-energy physics plasma and stepped leader field transfer functions., 1974
PsyOps / Field Theater Operations, 1966 Intense psychological training program to function in extremely high-stress situations in foreign theater Ops to maintain objectivity and accomplish linear thought and decisions for mission success.
BSEE, MSEE, Electronic Engineering & Advanced Electronic Systems Engineering, 1959 - 1966
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